Advisor Flipbooks

Power of Diversification

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The power of diversification. 99% Stocks 0% Bonds 1% Cash 80% Stocks 19% Bonds 1% Cash 70% Stocks 29% Bonds 1% Cash 60% Stocks 39% Bonds 1% Cash 50% Stocks 49% Bonds 1% Cash 40% Stocks 59% Bonds 1% Cash 30% Stocks 69% Bonds 1% Cash 20% Stocks 79% Bonds 1% Cash 10% Stocks 89% Bonds 1% Cash 0% Stocks 99% Bonds 1% Cash Average return 12.46% 11.27% 10.66% 10.05% 9.44% 8.84% 8.24% 7.65% 7.06% 6.48% Percentage positive yrs. 81.25% 81.25% 81.25% 83.33% 85.42% 85.42% 89.58% 93.75% 93.75% 87.50% Average gain † 18.27% 16.01% 14.85% 13.39% 12.05% 11.05% 9.67% 8.48% 7.86% 7.97% Largest Gain 36.63% 32.60% 30.52% 28.46% 26.44% 25.33% 26.25% 27.15% 28.03% 28.90% Percentage negative yrs. 18.75% 18.75% 18.75% 16.67% 14.58% 14.58% 10.42% 6.25% 6.25% 12.50% Average loss* -12.73% -9.24% -7.51% -6.68% -5.84% -4.12% -4.03% -4.90% -4.95% -3.95% Largest loss -36.53% -28.61% -24.16% -19.50% -14.64% -12.48% -11.64% -10.82% -10.02% -9.25% Percentage of yrs. greater than inflation ‡ 75.00% 77.08% 75.00% 75.00% 72.92% 75.00% 72.92% 75.00% 68.75% 64.58% ■ Stocks ■ Bonds ■ Cash Asset Allocation Risk and Reward Annual Returns (1976-2023) Average Annual Inflation: 3.66% Stocks — S&P 500 Total Return Gross Dividends Bonds Ibbotson ® SBBI ® US Intermediate-term (5-Year) Government Bonds (Total Return) Cash — Ibbotson ® SBBI ® US 30-day Treasury Bill Inflation — US CPI Urban Consumers NSA Source — Morningstar Direct Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against losses.

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