Flexible content components
Drupal offers a variety of components to help create flexible page layouts. Most are available on nearly all page types, with some exceptions.
Flexible content components | Available on page type | Use it to: |
Accordion | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Create open/close sections on a page. |
Agenda | Event | Create a styled agenda on your event page. |
Author | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Add an author, guest speaker, or press contact. |
Basic content | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | The most commonly used component. Use for copy and inline image. |
Block link | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Create a stylized link above or below a paragraph, to strongly emphasize it. |
Block link group | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Create a set of links and descriptions on a page. |
Block quote | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Add a pull quote to your page. |
Card links | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Add a set of horizontally oriented "card-like" descriptions with optional images. |
Card Links Group | Listing, Overview | Overview page. Used only on Audience section overview pages. |
Child/Sibling pages | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview | Block of all related child and/or sibling pages associated with a parent page. |
CTA (reusable) | Campaign, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Create both large and small CTAs anywhere on your page. |
Event info bar | Event page | Creates a styled information bar containing date, time, duration and registration link for an event. |
Featured content | Campaign, Custom, General | Highlight related content boldly on the page, with background color options |
Filtered list | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Add a list of related content to any page, and select filters for your list. |
Form | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Admin only. Used to create forms on the site. |
Metrics | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Call out for number-based facts/highlights. Use as a row or block of stats, or as an individual stat. Replaces the old “chunky number.” |
People List | Listing, Overview | Overview or Listing page. Create a list of team members with selected filters. |
Podcast | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Admin only. Add a podcast player to a page (new podcast series/new podcasts require set-up ahead of time -- consult with Web content team). |
Related content | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Add a three-card module to the bottom of a page (or anywhere on the page). |
Related content (reuseable) | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview | Used to add a three-card module to a page. Item can be used on multiple pages. |
Related people | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Add a three-card module of team members to the bottom of a page (or anywhere on the page). |
Two-column content | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Use for a two column configuration of copy or copy+image. Each column includes optional title fields and bottom links. |
Video | Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person | Add a video player or playlist to a page. Requires a video tagged for "Retail" in Brightcove |
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