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Flexible content components

Drupal offers a variety of components to help create flexible page layouts. Most are available on nearly all page types, with some exceptions. 

Flexible content components Available on page type Use it to:
Accordion Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person Create open/close sections on a page.
Agenda Event Create a styled agenda on your event page.
Author Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person Add an author, guest speaker, or press contact.
Basic content Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person The most commonly used component. Use for copy and inline image.
Block link Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person Create a stylized link above or below a paragraph, to strongly emphasize it.
Block link group Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person Create a set of links and descriptions on a page.
Block quote Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person Add a pull quote to your page.
Card links Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person Add a set of horizontally oriented "card-like" descriptions with optional images.
Card Links Group Listing, Overview Overview page. Used only on Audience section overview pages.
Child/Sibling pages Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview Block of all related child and/or sibling pages associated with a parent page.
CTA (reusable) Campaign, General, Listing, Overview, Person Create both large and small CTAs anywhere on your page.
Event info bar Event page Creates a styled information bar containing date, time, duration and registration link for an event.
Featured content Campaign, Custom, General Highlight related content boldly on the page, with background color  options
Filtered list Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person Add a list of related content to any page, and select filters for your list.
Form Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person Admin only. Used to create forms on the site.
Metrics Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person Call out for number-based facts/highlights. Use as a row or block of stats, or as an individual stat. Replaces the old “chunky number.”
People List Listing, Overview Overview or Listing page. Create a list of team members with selected filters.
Podcast Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person Admin only. Add a podcast player to a page (new podcast series/new podcasts require set-up ahead of time -- consult with Web content team).
Related content Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person Add a three-card module to the bottom of a page (or anywhere on the page).
Related content (reuseable) Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview  Used to add a three-card module to a page. Item can be used on multiple pages. 
Related people Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person  Add a three-card module of team members to the bottom of a page (or anywhere on the page).
Two-column content Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person  Use for a two column configuration of copy or copy+image. Each column includes optional title fields and bottom links.
Video Campaign, Event, General, Listing, Overview, Person  Add a video player or playlist to a page. Requires a video tagged for "Retail" in Brightcove 

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