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How to add metrics

Chunky Numbers are now known as Metrics. Here are some ways you can use this updated flexible content piece.

  • Under Flexible Content, select Metrics.
  • You can have up to 3 metrics per row. If you would like more, add another Metrics component to your page.
  • This creates endless combinations, so feel free to get creative with your data display. 

Traditional metric displays


Single metric



Two metrics


Three metrics


Tip: 1 metric = large, 2 metrics = medium, 3 metrics = small. Use these size references to come up with different display combinations. Use multiple Metrics components and stack them on top of each other!


Alternative metric displays


Four metrics


How to build: Use 2 metric components, with only 2 of the metrics filed out in each.


Five metrics


How to build: Use 2 metric components, with 3 metrics filed out in the first one and 2 metrics filed out in the second one.


Six metrics


How to build: Use 2 metric components, with 3 metrics filed out in the first one and 3 metrics filed out in the second one.