New site: We're live! How to log in. How to access the old site.
You’ve seen Seth’s message this morning announcing that our new site is live. A few notes as we move forward:
Goodbye test environment
- Remember that all links should now use the domain The test environment ( is now closed, so please be sure you are not referencing links that contain that domain anymore. They will give you a “file not found” error.
Logging in to the new site
- Log-in credentials migrated over to the new site, too. You will log into using your test environment login.
Visiting the old site
You can access the old site until the end of August on a hidden server: Use the same login you used when it was live.
Cleaning up after ourselves
- If you find any broken links or redirects, please email me. Thank you for your patience while we hunt down and correct these types of issues.
- Likewise, if you need new redirects, please email me.