We launch the new site on July 13. What is left to do?
July 7, 2022
Currently, the content freeze is in effect, but you can still make final fixes to your existing pages for the remainder of this week. At the end of the day, Sunday, July 10, Drupal will be fully locked down and all updates will need to stop.
You can continue to update the old live site, keeping in mind that you’ll need to update the new site with your new content as soon as it launches. If you have an urgent issue during the freeze period, please contact Elisabeth or me.
For the remainder of this week
Drupal pages still in the workflow:
Go into Moderated view in the Content list: https://seiglobalmarketing.prod.acquia-sites.com/admin/content/moderated
- Filter for Draft and look through your team's pages. Submit anything that needs to be live for launch. Remember that in our workflow, any pages left in Draft status will not be reviewed or published, they are simply saved until you are ready to submit.
- Filter for Author Review and be sure nothing is waiting for you to approve and resubmit. Put any pages that are complete into Ready to publish.
- Page that are published in the test environment, but shouldn’t be live at launch: ask Elisabeth and I to put them into Archived status.
- Any pages that need to be deleted: Add the word Delete to the title and submit to Editor Review
- Go through your forms and make sure none were missed. All forms that are migrating over to the new site must get updated code; we can’t lift them from the old site. All custom forms must have been submitted in a WF request for the MAP (email) team. If you didn’t put in a WF request, ask MAP to confirm that your form is on their list.