Video transcripts for accessibility. The art of writing titles.
September 12, 2022
Reminder: Video and podcast transcripts are required for the website
New videos and podcasts on the website must include transcripts. Why? They are an important part of accessibility. Transcripts make audio content accessible for anyone who’s impacted by a limitation—which includes more people than you might assume. User limitations can include:
- Any degree of hearing impairment, ranging from total deafness to mild or moderate impairment (hard of hearing).
- Trying to hear digital sound content in a noisy environment, or conversely in a quiet public place where they can’t turn on the volume/don’t have earphones.
- Having a cognitive difference that makes it easier for someone to read than to listen.
- Not having enough time to listen to the full length of the video/podcast, but still getting value from skimming through the transcript.
They’re great for SEO too. Transcripts provide a rich field of keywords and phrases that’s indexed by search engines.
How to get your transcript: Ask the studio to provide a cc script when you request your video. For existing videos, put in a Workfront project for the transcript.
Write less. Say more.
Writing titles for digital content involves form and function, creativity and practicality. Read our blog, “How to write strong titles and subheads,” for tips.
My pick of tips (because so many of us simply don’t do it): “Spend time writing your titles.” They’re important to readers and search engines, impacting both your click-through and bounce rates.